AI Training Data for AR/VR

Deliver Futuristic & Immersive Experiences with AR/VR

Reveal the future today with precise training data for AR and VR technologies.

Ai training data for ar/vr

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Empowering teams to build world-leading AI products.


Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies have been underrated concepts. Their purposes have been restricted to entertainment alone. However, over the past few years, experiments around the world have given rise to newer use cases for such technologies.

AR and VR are now beyond fun filters and immersive environments. They can be used to solve real-world problems and deliver superior customer experiences. From retail sectors and automotive to even fintech and marketing, the implementation of AR and VR technologies is on the rise. This is the right to start developing the game-changing solution the market deserves.


Global spending in the AR and VR markets is expected to grow from 60%  to 85% by 2025.


Close to 44% of the world’s population will have experienced the potential of VR by 2022.

9 out of 10 brands intend to use AR and VR technologies in their campaigns.

Build Tomorrow’s Solutions With Today’s Data

Augmented and Virtual Reality technologies are as futuristic as they can get. Developing reliable and sound solutions that offer immersive experiences to customers is what will make you a pioneer in the AR/VR space. Lay the foundation for that growth by training your AI modules with our tailored datasets and let your users accomplish more in virtual environments from wherever they are.

AR/VR Data Collection

Ar and vr data collection for machine learning

Data collection for AR and VR development is complex and the scope is wide. Data has to be sourced from computer vision modules for 3D imagery and environment creation, facial recognition data for specific use cases, biometric data and more. We offer all types of datasets for your AR and VR development needs.

AR/VR Data Annotation

Ar and vr data annotation for ml

The quality of data annotation directly affects the outcome of your solution. That’s why every single pixel or byte of data has to be precisely annotated by specialists who have domain knowledge of the images to be annotated. We recommend leaving that to us and relax.

Use Cases

With our high quality training data, you could let your machine learning modules do wonders. 

Pose assessment

Pose Assessment

For precise results and object placements, pose assessment models help understand the position of fingers, hands or other placeholders in an environment for better user-object interaction.

Audio recognition

Audio Recognition

AR effects can also be triggered using audio elements, where the identification of specific keywords and initiate processes and subsequent actions.

Virtual experiences

Virtual Experiences

From trying out new apparel or jewelry to having a full-time virtual assistant to take care of our tasks, VR can simplify the complexities involved in several tasks done by humans.

Real-time text recognition

Real-time Text Recognition

Any text could be easily scanned and stored as digital text instantly through AR. The text can also be translated across languages.

Precise object development

Precise Object Development

Designers can now develop objects, characters and other renders precisely at scale using VR modules.

Immersive interactions

Immersive Interactions

Interactions with 3D elements and environments can be more natural, smooth and blended with precise training data.

Our Capability



Dedicated and trained teams:

  • 30,000+ collaborators for Data Creation, Labeling & QA
  • Credentialed Project Management Team
  • Experienced Product Development Team
  • Talent Pool Sourcing & Onboarding Team



Highest process efficiency is assured with:

  • Robust 6 Sigma Stage-Gate Process
  • A dedicated team of 6 Sigma black belts – Key process owners & Quality compliance
  • Continuous Improvement & Feedback Loop



The patented platform offers benefits:

  • Web-based end-to-end platform
  • Impeccable Quality
  • Faster TAT
  • Seamless Delivery

Why Shaip?

Managed workforce for complete control, reliability & productivity

A powerful platform that supports different types of annotations

Minimum 95% accuracy ensured for superior quality

Global projects across 60+ countries

Enterprise-grade SLAs

Best-in-class real-life driving data sets

Build Excellence in your AR and VR systems with quality datasets from Shaip