Electronic Health Records (EHR) Datasets for AI & ML Projects

Off-the-shelf Electronic Health Records (EHR) Datasets to Jumpstart your Healthcare AI project.

Electronic health records (ehr) data

Plug-in the medical data you’ve been missing today

Find the right Electronic Health Records (EHR) Data For Your Healthcare AI

Improve your machine learning models with best-in-class training data. Electronic Health Records or EHR are medical records that contains patient’s medical history, diagnoses, prescription, treatment plans, vaccination or immunization dates, allergies, radiology images (CT Scan, MRI, X-Rays), and laboratory tests & more. Our Off-the-shelf data catalog makes it easy for you to get medical training data you can trust.

Off-the-Shelf Electronic Health Records (EHR):

  • 5.1M+ Records and physician audio files in 31 specialties
  • Real-world gold-standard medical records to train Clinical NLP and other Document AI models
  • Metadata information like MRN (Anonymized), Admission Date, Discharge Date, Length of Stay days, Gender, Patient Class, Payer, Financial Class, State, Discharge Disposition, Age, DRG, DRG Description, $ Reimbursement, AMLOS, GMLOS, Risk of mortality, Severity of illness, Grouper, Hospital Zip Code, etc.
  • Medical Records from various US states and region- North East (46%), South (9%), Midwest (3%), West (28%), Others (14%)
  • Medical Records belonging to all Patient Classes covered- Inpatient, Outpatient (Clinical, Rehab, Recurring, Surgical Day Care), Emergency.
  • Medical Records belonging to all Patient Age Groups <10 yrs (7.9%), 11-20 yrs (5.7%), 21-30 yrs (10.9%), 31-40 yrs (11.7%), 41-50 yrs (10.4%), 51-60 yrs (13.8%), 61-70 yrs (16.1%), 71-80 yrs (13.3%), 81-90 yrs (7.8%), 90+ yrs (2.4%)
  • Patient Gender ratio of 46% (Male) and 54% (Female)
  • PII Redacted Documents adhering to Safe Harbor Guidelines in conformance with HIPAA
EHR Data by Location
LocationText Documents
EHR Data by Major Diagnosis Category
EHR Data by Major Diagnosis CategoryText Documents
Alcohol/Drug Use & Alcohol/Drug-Induced Organic Mental Disorders

Total including everything (Cases with & without MDC category)

Cases without reimbursement generated (MDC not specified)
Outpatient Cases (MDC not specified)
Cases using a specialty grouper such as 3M (MDC not specified)
                                                                                  Total with MDC
Alcohol/Drug Use or Induced Mental Disorders48,717
Male Reproductive System
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections
Myeloproliferative Diseases & Disorders, Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms
Factors Influencing Health Status & Other Contacts with Health Services
Female Reproductive System
Ear, Nose, Mouth & Throat
Multiple Significant Trauma
Circulatory System589,730
Blood, Blood Forming Organs, Immunologic Disorders
Injuries, Poisonings & Toxic Effects of Drugs
Skin, Subcutaneous Tissue & Breast
Hepatobiliary System & Pancreas
Endocrine, Nutritional & Metabolic Diseases & Disorders
Newborns & Other Neonates with Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period
Pregnancy, Childbirth & the Puerperium
Kidney & Urinary Tract
Mental Diseases & Disorders
Nervous System
Digestive System
Musculoskeletal System & Connective Tissue329,344
Respiratory System561,983
Infectious & Parasitic Diseases559,244

We deal with all types of Data Licensing i.e., text, audio, video, or image. The datasets consist of Medical datasets for ML: Physician Dictation Dataset, Physician Clinical Notes, Medical Conversation Dataset, Medical Transcription Dataset, Doctor-Patient Conversation, Medical Text Data, Medical Images – CT Scan, MRI, Ultra Sound (collected basis custom requirements).

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EHR Data refers to the digital version of a patient’s medical history, which includes their treatments, medical tests, and other health-related information, maintained by health professionals over time.

EMR (Electronic Medical Record) contains the standard medical data gathered in one provider’s office. EHR (Electronic Health Record) is a broader system that includes EMR but also integrates data from different healthcare providers, offering a more comprehensive patient history.

EHR data is collected through digital inputs by healthcare professionals during patient visits, from lab results, imaging systems, and other diagnostic tools. It’s then stored electronically in EHR systems.

EHR Data is used to track patient care over time, assist healthcare providers in decision-making, facilitate billing processes, support research, and improve overall patient care quality and outcomes.

Buying EHR Data involves strict privacy and regulatory considerations. Typically, you can’t directly purchase individual patient records. However, aggregated and de-identified datasets are available from research organizations, data brokers, or specialized healthcare data vendors like us, following the proper ethical and legal guidelines.