End-to-End Generative AI Solutions

Our GenAI platform supports every stage of your development lifecycle, from data generation to real-time monitoring, enabling experimentation, evaluation, and optimization for exceptional performance.

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Powering Precise, Diverse, and Ethical Data Collection

Shaip’s data platform streamlines project management, engages a global workforce, and ensures high-quality data with automated validation and rigorous QA processes.

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Comprehensive Data Services

Shaip delivers essential data services for AI projects, from vast data catalogs and global collection to precise labeling and de-identification, ensuring high-quality, diverse, and secure datasets tailored to your needs.

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Data Platform

Shaip Manage | Shaip Work | Shaip Intelligence

Generative AI Platform

Data Generation | Experimentation | Evaluation | Observability

Our Services

With our vast inventory of millions of datasets, you can collect and organize them as required. We can then license that quality data for your specific AI and ML use requirements. Plus, this data is available at a fraction of the cost if you were to create it yourself.

  • Medical Data Catalog
  • Speech Data Catalog
  • Computer Vision Data Catalog
Data collection

Shaip excels in data collection by sourcing and curating datasets from over 60 countries worldwide. We gather data in various formats, including audio, video, images, and text, ensuring comprehensive support for AI projects. With a track record of collecting over 20 million files in the last six months alone, our extensive capabilities drive AI projects forward, providing the essential data needed to propel your AI initiatives.

Data labeling & annotation

Shaip ensures the highest standards in data labeling and annotation, critical for the efficacy of AI and ML models. Our domain experts across various industries deliver precise annotations, including image segmentation, object detection, and sentiment analysis. By maintaining gold-standard quality and accuracy, we empower your AI models to think smarter and validate outcomes effectively, supporting a wide range of annotation requirements.

Shaip’s data de-identification processes are designed to protect sensitive information by removing all Protected Health Information (PHI). We ensure high-accuracy anonymization of text and image content, transforming, masking, or obscuring data to maintain privacy. Our de-identification services are crucial for safeguarding individual identities while enabling the secure use of data in AI projects.


Security & Compliance

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